Saturday, October 16, 2010

Canadia Ahoy!

Well, after 20 or so hours of travelling and transiting I have arrived in Canada! The trip was good, although it was a bit bumpy between Auckland and Vancouver. We had to sit in our seats with our seatbelts on for around 2 hours because it was too bumpy! I had fun on the trip and met a few nice people - and we got icecream on the plane, that was definitely a highlight! I didn't sleep at all on the plane and last night we hung out with a couple of Amy's friends so by the time we actually went to bed (and stopped talking) I had been up for around 38 hours straight... but not feeling any jet lag or anything! =) Yet.... lol

Amy met me at the airport and we drove home - with a quick stop off on the side of the road to take a photo of me standing in the USA, lol. 

We basically just chilled out last night since Amy had to work early this morning and I had been busy travelling. This morning when Amy had gone to work I went for a walk around the streets here. First impressions of Abbotsford?? Everything is HUGE! The roads are wider, the cars are massive and the houses are like nothing I have ever seen before (see below)!

Massive houses in the street near me - with the Indian temple behind

The house I am staying at for the next couple of weeks (Amy's aunt and uncles house) is sooooo nice! There are something like 16 people who live here. I have met about 7 so far. They're all very nice as far as I can tell!

My house for the next couple of weeks =D (click to enlarge)

Coming soon: The Adventure of the Shower!!



  1. Welcome to North America! I can't say for Canada, but I know compared to Australia everything is bigger in the US. Houses, cars, cities, everything. It will take a bit of getting use to, but you have more important things to worry about.... such as looking the proper way when crossing the street!! Good luck and have fun!! ~Cheryl

  2. Hahaha Cheryl I totally almost got hit by cars twice today! It's so confusing, lol
